วันพุธที่ 21 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

8 tips for cooking at home in 30 minutes or less.

With our busy schedules we all are looking for a quick way of doing things. In doing so, we make the food more quickly, while we spend more of our food budget. These tips are designed to get you back on schedule with 30 minutes to make your own or eat less food. The secret is in the planning and organization. Use these simple tips, you can get your food from oven to table in under 30 minutes and still had a smile on your face.

[1] to select the right menu. You will not be able to roast chicken or roast beef. You can make the wings, legs, auctions, multi-cut steaks and other meat and protein components of your personal or bite size.

[2] and all the utensils, spices, pots, skillets and hand tools you will use before you get your food from your refrigerator and cabinets.

[3] When cooking, try to use the oven to the table a device to save time in the transfer of food, not to mention the time spent washing pots and pans.

[4] All the same size you used for vegetable protein works just as well for you. If you are serving broccoli, squash, vegetables and other large not try cooking it and cut it into bite size pieces.

[5], measurement precision is not necessary to cook the most. So if the recipe calls for 18 ounces of tomato and you have only 12, with it you can make up the difference with other crops or let it all out. Sushi is one of the places you will be certain to measure your Meatloaf, but the cake will not forgive you.

[6] did not take the time to clean up as you go. If a piece of lettuce to get it. True, they may get a little messy. You can sweep up while you are cooking the dinner.

[7], the other to help your child set the table. I can fill a glass with ice or milk. All jobs.

[8] to some of the work on the night before or early in the morning. You can chop the peppers, onion, or a hamburger before going out on a date. Do not forget to keep in the right place.

