วันจันทร์ที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Dried Cornmeal Sourdough Starter, No Yeast

1 hand full of hops
2 qt water
4 spoonfuls of flour
1 spoonful of sugar
1 cornmeal
Add 2 cups hops to 2 qts. of boiling water. Cook down to 1 quart or
less. Strain through a seive, return to heat and bring back to
boiling, turn off, and stir in 4 heaping tablespoons of flour, and 1
heaping tablespoon of sugar. Put in a non metal container, cover
with a dishtowel, and let stand overnight in a warm place while it
works. In the morning, mix with enough cornmeal to make small
biscuits. Let dry, store in a dry place.
To Use for biscuits: Dissolve dry biscuit in warm water, let stand
about a half hour to dissolve. Add 1 qt. flour, let it stand to rise
over night. Next morning add about another quart of flour and a
little salt to make a stiff dough, form into rolls and bake.

