วันอังคารที่ 17 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

Fruited rice ring

funny menu for you
Fruited rice ring
serves 4
75g/3oz short-grain rice
900ml/11⁄2pt milk
1 cinnamon stick
175g/6oz mixed dried fruit
175ml/6fl oz orange juice
50g/2oz caster sugar
finely grated zest of
1 small orange
• Put the rice, milk and cinnamon
stick in a large pan, and bring to
the boil.
• Cover and simmer, stirring
occasionally, for about 11⁄2 hours
until no free liquid remains.
• Meanwhile, put the dried fruit and
orange juice in a pan, and bring
to the boil. Cover and simmer very
gently for about 1 hour until tender.
• Remove the cinnamon stick from
the rice, and stir in the sugar and
orange zest.
• Tip the fruit into the bottom of a
lightly oiled 1.5-litre/21⁄2pt ring
mould. Spoon the rice over,
smoothing down firmly. Chill for
1 hour before serving. View over 5,000 menus at http://www.menu-for-you.com

