วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Asparagus Omelet

Yield > 1
Keys : Omelets Egg Spanish Spain European Mediterranean
Ingredients :
4 x Asparagus tips cooked
(or canned or frozen
asparagus tips)
2 x Eggs
1/4 cup Olive oil
1 pch Salt
Method :
• Boil fresh asparagus 15 to 20 minutes or until tender.
Only the tender parts of fresh asparagus should be used in the
omelet. Cut into 1-inch pieces, heat briefly in hot olive oil, and
allow to cool a few minutes before adding to bowl containing
two eggs beaten with salt. Stir mixture while reheating frying
pan with additional oil (if needed to cover the bottom of the
pan). When the oil is on the verge of smoking, pour in mixture
and keep shaking the pan and sliding a spatula or knife around
the edges of the omelet to keep it free and to form a high,
rounded edge. When the omelet is almost firm, hold a plate
upside down against the frying pan; invert both, dropping the
omelet onto the plate as you do so, then slip the omelet back
into the pan browned side up. This is easiest to do if the plate
you use fits neatly inside the frying pan. Shake the pan while
the second side browns. Serve at once.

