วันอังคารที่ 13 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555


This is a very basic bean stew, which would be a bit boring without
the addition of the frankfurters and cider to liven it up. (Still very
cheap though.)
2 large packets of frankfurters
1⁄2 lb (225 g) dried red kidney beans
1⁄2 lb (225 g) dried haricot beans or chickpeas
1 red onion
1 bottle of cider (330 ml)
2 tbsp tomato purée
1 tbsp cornflour
1⁄2 pint (250 ml) cold water
2 tsp chilli powder
1. Soak the beans overnight then drain, rinse well under cold
running water and put in a large pan with enough water to
cover the beans completely.
2. Bring to the boil then boil rapidly for 15–20 minutes before
draining the beans and rinsing in fresh cold running water
3. Meanwhile, fry the sliced onion and mushrooms in a large pan
or flameproof casserole; mix the cornflour with the cold water
then add to the pan with the cider, tomato purée and chilli
4. Stir well and bring the liquid to the boil, then add the beans,
cover with a lid and cook the ragout in a slow oven, Gas Mark
3 (170ºC) for 2–21⁄2 hours until the beans are tender. (Check
a couple of times throughout the cooking time and stir the
ragout to stop the sauce sticking to the bottom of the pan.)
5. As soon as the beans are done, cut the frankfurters into thick
slices diagonally and mix into the casserole, adding a little water
if the sauce is too thick.
6. Cook for another 5 minutes. Serve with mashed or fried

