วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Catalan Fish Soup - (Sopa De Pescado a La Catalana)

Yield > 6
Keys : Fish Ocean Soups Stews Seafood Spanish Spain European
Mediterranean Spanish
Ingredients :
4 lb Cleaned fish and shellfish
see * Note
(with the fish cut into slices)
1 sm Onion minced
1 med Tomato chopped
1/3 cup Olive oil
3 x Garlic cloves peeled
12 x Toasted almonds peeled
10 cup Water
4 slc White bread cut in fine
1 x Bay leaf
2 sprg Parsley
Salt and pepper to taste
Method :
• * Note: Use any lean white fish, small or large, cleaned,
but with heads and tails. Any shellfish is suitable: for example,
a few clams or mussels and four or five shrimp or small crabs
or a crayfish.
• Put fish in 10 cups boiling water. Boil 15 minutes
covered. Heat olive oil. Fry minced onion. When it takes on
color, add tomato. Let tomato liquid reduce. Add tomato-onion
mixture, bay leaf, and parsley to fish when it has been boiling
15 minutes. Boil 15 minutes longer, covered. Place bread
shavings in a separate pot. Strain fish soup over bread and
return soup to fire. Crush almonds with garlic in a mortar; add
to soup. Boil soup slowly for 10 minutes more while separating
shells, bones, and skin from fish and shellfish. Strain soup a
second time, reheat with cleaned fish and shellfish, season,
and serve.

