วันอังคารที่ 13 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555


There are lots of variations of this classic, and the easiest version
of all is made by simply mixing a jar of mild curry paste with a
carton (or two) of natural yoghurt and adding a handful of
sultanas or chopped dried apricots.
My version is not much more complicated than that really,
except I don’t use ready-made curry paste, and this method works
best if you use a food processor to blend the sauce at step 4.
This is a great way to use up leftover chicken; the amount of
sauce here is enough for roughly 1lb (450 g) of meat, or a 300 g
packet of Quorn.
Chicken (or Quorn)
1 tin of apricots
1 onion
Lemon juice (say 2 tbsp)
3 heaped tbsp of couscous
1 tbsp tomato purée
1⁄2 glass white wine
1 level tsp turmeric
1 rounded tsp mild or medium curry powder
1 small sachet of coconut (or 1⁄2 tin of coconut milk)
2 tbsp natural yoghurt
1. Warm some butter in a pan and gently fry the chopped onion
for a couple of minutes until soft but without any colour.
2. Add the turmeric, curry powder, tomato purée, wine, lemon
juice, couscous and all the juice from the tin of apricots to the
pan, simmering over a medium-high heat for a few minutes to
slightly reduce the liquid.
3. Take the pan off the heat and allow the sauce to cool for about
30 minutes.
4. Whiz the sauce in a food processor with the apricots then add
the coconut and yoghurt and blend for another minute.
5. Combine the sauce with the cooked meat or Quorn and store
in the fridge.

