วันพุธที่ 14 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555


Vary the type and quantity of the fruits to suit yourself, but the
colours in this are very appealing when you use the apricots and
cranberries together, bearing in mind that the fruit’s not completely
covered by the pastry the way it would be with a regular pie or
I’ve only included the minimum amount of sugar here so you
may want to add a bit more – or a couple of spoonfuls of golden
syrup – for extra sweetness.
4 large Bramley apples (or 2 tins of apple chunks)
1⁄4 bag of mixed fruit or sultanas
1⁄2 bag of dried apricots
1 small packet of dried cranberries
1 tsp mixed spice
3 tbsp brown sugar
4 tbsp self-raising flour (plus extra for dusting)
2 tbsp natural yoghurt
1. If using fresh apples, peel, slice and stew the fruit in a little
water with a couple of tablespoons of sugar (apart from the 3
tbsp in the list of ingredients) until almost soft.
2. Mix the apples and remaining fruit together with
approximately 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of mixed
spice in a large ovenproof dish, adding more or less of each
according to taste.
3. Sift the flour and the remaining tablespoon of sugar into a
mixing bowl, make a well in the centre then add the yoghurt
and stir with a spoon or a blunt knife until the mixture comes
together to make a soft, sticky dough.
4. Form the dough into small, fairly flat scones with your hands
and place at intervals across the top of the fruit.
5. Bake in a preheated oven, Gas Mark 4 (180ºC) for 20–25
minutes until the fruit is hot and the pastry is golden. Serve on
its own or with cream or evaporated milk.

