วันพุธที่ 14 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555


Eating a sandwich as a snack with tea or coffee, take it out on special occasions. A picnic. Or as a breakfast for families and individuals who do not have time to cook. I have to hustle to get to work.
The sandwich originated in England in the 18th century it was the legendary Admiral John Montagu Mans which has a high position as Earl of Sandwich. Hooked on playing cards. Of wasted no time to stop eating, go ahead. I ordered the chef to make food available to eat to play to. Cook took the bread and stuffed with meat, served on the opposite at a table playing cards. It is desirable that the earl.
The restaurant is the bread to make sandwiches and named as the most popular topic. Both in Britain and other countries in Europe.
The British sandwich is delicious, tasty flavor that makes them. But it is art. The bread is fresh and delicious but not so high to drown out the flavor of the filling.
The filling is made from a variety of meats such as ham, roast beef, salmon roe caviar. And attach to different kinds of vegetables and cheese.

