วันเสาร์ที่ 17 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Special chow mein

serves 4–6
50ml/2fl oz vegetable oil
2 garlic cloves, sliced
1 teaspoon chopped fresh root ginger
2 fresh red chillies, seeded and
1 skinless chicken breast fillet, thinly
16 raw tiger prawns, peeled and
deveined, with tails left intact
450g/1lb egg noodles
100g/4oz green beans
225g/8oz beansprouts
50g/2oz garlic chives
2 tablespoons light soy sauce
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper
• Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in a wok or large frying pan, and stir-fry the
garlic, ginger and chillies. Add the chicken, prawns and beans. Stir-fry
for 4–5 minutes over a high heat until the chicken and prawns are both
cooked. Transfer the mixture to a bowl and set aside.
• Cook the egg noodles in a saucepan of slightly salted boiling water for
2–3 minutes until tender.
• Heat the rest of the oil in the same wok used for the chicken and prawn
mixture. Add the beansprouts and garlic chives. Stir-fry for 1–2 minutes.
Add the noodles and toss to mix. Next, add the soy sauce and oyster
sauce, and season with salt and pepper.
• Return the prawn mixture to the wok. Reheat and mix well with the
noodles. Stir in the sesame oil, and serve immediately.

