วันอังคารที่ 13 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555


Use plain mayonnaise, or a flavoured one (see Salad Dressings).
1 lb (400–500g) green eating apples
1 British lettuce
1⁄2 head of celery
2 oz (50 g) walnuts
Lemon juice
1 tsp sugar
1. Wash and cut the apples into eighths then cut each piece in
half. (Keep the fruit in a small bowl and sprinkle with lemon
juice as you go to prevent discolouration.) When all the apples
are done, sprinkle with the sugar and add a couple of
tablespoons of mayonnaise to the bowl; stir then cover with a
plate or a layer of cling film while you prepare the rest of the
2. Wash the lettuce and break it up with your hands, but not too
small – and don’t cut it with a knife or the leaves will discolour
around the edges and quickly go limp.
3. Top and tail the celery and cut into thin slices, removing any
loose strands.
4. Halve the walnuts then mix with the celery, adding both to the
apples with some more mayonnaise.
5. Line a large glass bowl with the lettuce and pile the apple, celery
and walnut mixture in the middle.
6. Garnish with a few crushed walnuts and serve.

