วันเสาร์ที่ 24 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Boiled egg, not shell cracks.

In many boiled eggs at a time. Spices such as when the egg or eggs to eat with the noodles. Egg shells are a problem around. The eggs are not pretty.
Boiled egg, not shell cracks.

Use fresh eggs. The shell does not crack the shell clean.

Add water make flood all the eggs. From start to boil.

An easy way to prevent the egg from cracking.

Add the lemon juice into the boiling water a little comment. Lemon juice will flow out of the egg shell.
Add salt in boiling water for about 1 tablespoon of salt to help prevent the eggs from the surface.

That's a very simple way. We will have eggs on the bark.

