วันอังคารที่ 13 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Faiai Fee

Faiai Fee
4 lbs. octopus
4 cups coconut milk
salt to taste
Before boiling the chopped octopus, beat and rub with papaya leaves
all over. This practice eliminates itchiness and also cuts down on cooking
time. Cut up octopus into 2–3" pieces. Save the ink or purplish concentrate
from the head. Boil the pieces for 30–40 minutes or until tender. Remove the
water. Add coconut milk. Add the ink-like concentrate that you saved. Bring
to a boil. Remove from heat. Serve with taro, breadfruit, yam, etc.
Note: High in saturated fat. To reduce, replace up to half of coconut
milk with whole or low fat milk.

