Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. The use of honey is made.
It is believed that honey is a gift to God.
And a high Therefore, in ritual magic and alchemy.
I used to use honey as a talisman against the ceremony.
And the king will die down, it will take to the grave with honey.
In the 13th century, honey cake, Lebkuchen.
I understand that it is made up of the monasteries. Residents love to eat cake.
Then add the ginger cake was dry and the black pepper.
(Because it will not be thirsty).
The nun who made the panis mellitus.
Is a type of bread.
Taste better and the wafer in Lebkuchen.
Year 1395 in Germany. The city of Bavaria.
Opened bakery in Nürnberg.
And the Lebkuchen.
And has made it a tradition to communicate with each other.
Up until now, including 600 last year.
What made Lebkuchen.
The city of Nürnberg.
Germany is famous for. What is it?
Lebkuchen is a city of Nürnberg.
The famous city of Nürnberg.
There are two advantages to this.
A. That the trade is related to the herb.
And the ancient salt trade route to the sack.
Sacks of spices from the east through Venice and Genoa.
It can provide the extra spice.
For bakery Important component in making Lebkuchen.
Two. In Nürnberg in the German forests are well known.
Honey bees are able to find. At that time, that the honey.
Honey is used for the Holy Roman.
Emperor Apiary fertile period.
The association was set up to help each other.
Collect the honey bee and a wax.
Has been a tremendous privilege it.
Made in Nürnberg Lebkuchen.
The 100 year long.
Time to try to establish the association.
Which was set up to help each other.
Do they sell bread for Lebkuchen.
Founded in use for many years. Fruitless efforts.
Until the year 1643. City Council approved the establishment of their own.
Association established to assist each other in Nürnberg.
Germany to open a shop selling Lebkuchen.
The establishment of the Forum Shops.
14 shops selling bread spread very far.
The 30-year war in the bakery.
Lebkuchen sale in Nürnberg.
Germany deteriorated.
The lack of spices that are used.
In the making Lebkuchen. The Lebkuchen.
I can not add more spices. City Nuremberger.
No one is saying that the gifts as Lebkuchen.
When the person receiving the gift, and I feel impressed.
And it becomes a trade is known around the world.
Lebkuchen from Nuremberg.
Lebkuchen is very famous.
Business and commerce throughout the world.
It is traditional for us to do the same to this day.
How to make spice cookies Lebkuchen.
Ingredients *** **.
Butter 200 g.
200 grams of sugar.
Eggs 5 eggs.
Chocolate, grated (geriebene Scholade) 100 g.
Gemahlene Mandeln 200 grams of beans.
Cocoa powder (Kakao) 1 tbsp.
Rum 1 Tbsp.
Ground cinnamon ((Zimt) 1 tsp.
Ground cloves (Nelken) 1/4 tsp.
Wheat flour (Mehl) 80 g.
*** How do Lebkuchen ***.
1. A butter pot. Heat and light enough to melt butter.
Then beat the cream. Gradually sprinkle in sugar and egg into.
2. The other ingredients mentioned above, according to.
Gently stir to combine.
3. Pour the finished batter of Article 2.
Down on a baking tray to use. Then slice off a thin flat sheet.
4. Out of Ea a power about 170 degrees.
Bake for 30-35 minutes until the oven.
Snack on the dry side, then lift out.
5. Was removed from the oven. Cut food into small pieces while still hot.
If you like a chocolate coating *** ***.
Using a cookie cutter to make animal shapes or anything you like.