วันอังคารที่ 13 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Kadun Ma’nok’ (Chicken Soup w/Coconut Milk)

Kadun Ma’nok’
(Chicken Soup w/Coconut Milk)
1 whole chicken, cut up into small pieces
1/2 onion, chopped
11/2 cups coconut milk
Salt and pepper to taste
Put all ingredients in pot, except coconut milk and cover. Cook about
5 to 10 minutes. Stir constantly. Add 5 cups of water and bring to boil.
Lower heat and simmer for 11/2 hours (if stewing chicken is used) or until
chicken is tender. Add coconut milk and bring to boil. Cover and remove
from fire.
Variation: Vegetables such as pumpkin tips, cabbage, kangkong and
sweet potato tips may be added at the end of cooking time just before adding
coconut milk. Place vegetable at the top and cover for 4 – 6 minutes. White
yam may be added instead of vegetables. Peel and cut yam to desired size
and add to chicken 15 minutes after adding water.
Note: High in saturated fat. To reduce, replace up to half of coconut
milk with whole or low fat milk, also remove chicken skin.

