วันอังคารที่ 13 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555


Lots of people are put off liver because they remember being forced
to eat it as a child, usually at school, and it’s true that in its raw
state, or just fried, it’s really not very nice – calves’ liver excepted.
The answer lies in the preparation. Spend a few minutes
removing the skin and trimming the nasty bits away then cook the
liver in a nice sauce with more appealing ingredients and you’ve
got a result. Best of all, liver is packed with protein and it’s still dirt
2 packets of liver
1⁄2 lb (225 g) of bacon
1⁄2 pint (250 ml) gravy
1 tin chopped tomatoes
Tomato purée
Mustard (English or French)
Salt & pepper
1. Wash the liver in a colander under cold running water then
trim carefully, cut into small pieces and coat well in the
seasoned flour.
2. Snip the bacon into small pieces and get rid of any rind or
excess fat.
3. Chop and slice the onions and mushrooms while you warm
some oil in a large frying pan. Start cooking the onions first,
adding the mushrooms after a couple of minutes, and when
you think they’re ready transfer to a large casserole dish.
4. Fry the liver and bacon pieces together over a high heat, adding
a little more oil to the pan first, if necessary, then add to the
casserole with the onions and mushrooms.
5. Empty the tin of chopped tomatoes into the pan and make up
1⁄2 pint (250 ml) of instant gravy in a measuring jug. Add the
gravy to the pan with about one tablespoon of tomato purée
and a little mustard, stir well and allow to warm through for a
couple of minutes before pouring into the casserole dish.
6. Cover with a lid and cook in the oven, Gas Mark 5 (190ºC)
for 10–15 minutes.

