I know that the substance of various colors. Existing plants that have a role as well. With vitamin ever. The interest in the chemistry of the plant extract was rough. I keep it as simple.
Cycopene red pigment containing a computer here in a red tomato, watermelon and red pomegranates Betacycin of beetroot and Duncan Berry. Both of these substances are antioxidants that help prevent or Antioxydants several types of cancer.
Agent orange vegetables and fruits like papaya, carrot orange, which contains Betacarotene potent antioxidant, which is the new journey. The pale white skin, carrot, papaya or more. The skin is golden brown. The USDA said. Eating a carrot a day can reduce cholesterol levels is 2-3. Or fat in the blood. Try eating unripe papaya, Thai people are up to 2 years will change color as the lid is not without blemish cream.
Lutein is a yellow pigment, yellow pigment that gives color to the corn. Prevent the deterioration of the color. The light color of the eye retina. This is the one that makes people invisible.
Chlorophyll is the green pigment of a dark green vegetables. Vegetables that are dark green vegetables. Dark green vegetables contain chlorophyll, it is a lot like a gourd Broccoli Kale Brock Chaplo pennywort, etc and of chlorophyll. I value so much. Scientists say that when the chlorophyll is broken up. It is very powerful in preventing cancer. It eliminates odors in the people.
Of the purple plant color and Anthocyanin as the purple you see in the flowering pea sprouts, purple eggplant purple black berries, blueberries, scientists discovered that the substance is to remove substances that cause cancer and of Anthocyanin also. effects of revascularization. Reduce the risk of heart disease. And paralyzed with