วันอังคารที่ 17 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

Iced honey & lemon mousse

funny menu for you
Iced honey & lemon mousse
serves 4
41⁄2 large lemons
1 egg white
6 tablespoons clear honey
• Trim the stalk end from 4 of the lemons so that they stand up. Cut off the
tops and seat side. Using a knife and a teaspoon, score around the
insides of the lemons and scrape out the flesh. Purée the flesh in a
blender or food processor until smooth, then strain into a jug. Put the
hollowed lemon skins and tops on a small tray, and freeze.
• Finely grate the zest of the 1⁄2 lemon and set aside. In a bowl, whisk the
egg white until stiff peaks form. Gradually whisk in the honey until the
mixture is thick and shiny. Slowly whisk in 75ml/3fl oz of the lemon
juice, and fold in the zest.
• Transfer to a freezer container, and freeze for 2 hours until frozen
2.5cm/1in from the sides of the container. Scrape into a bowl and beat
until smooth. Cover with cling film and freeze until set.
• Spoon into a piping bag, and pipe into the frozen lemon skins. Add the
tops and freeze until ready to serve.

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