วันอังคารที่ 17 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

Peach & ginger pashka

funny menu for you
Peach & ginger pashka
serves 4
350g/12oz cottage cheese
2 ripe peaches, stoned and
roughly chopped
100g/4oz Greek-style yogurt
2 pieces of preserved stem
ginger in syrup, drained
and chopped (reserve
2 tablespoons syrup)
1⁄2 teaspoon vanilla essence
• Drain the cottage cheese and rub
through a sieve into a large bowl.
• Add the peaches, yogurt, stem
ginger and reserved syrup, and
vanilla essence.
• Line a new, clean flower pot with a
piece of cheesecloth. Tip in the
cheese mixture, wrap the cloth over
the top and weigh down. Leave
over a bowl in a cool place to
drain overnight.
• The next day, unwrap, invert onto
a plate and serve.

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