วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Fresh figs in wine

funny menu for you
Fresh figs in wine
serves 6
450ml/3⁄4pt dry white wine
75g/3oz clear honey
50g/2oz caster sugar
1 small orange
8 whole cloves
450g/1lb fresh figs
1 cinnamon stick
• Put the wine, honey and sugar in a
heavy saucepan, and heat gently
until the sugar dissolves.
• Stud the orange with the cloves,
and add to the syrup with the
figs and cinnamon. Cover and
simmer until the figs are soft.
• Transfer to a serving dish, and
leave to cool before serving.

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